September 3, 2024 to June 12, 2025


The Junior Competitive Program (JCP) at IceWorks further develops skaters who currently participate in Learn to Skate and private lessons.  JCP fosters competition, and camaraderie amongst skaters through participation in disciplines of singles, dance, pairs and theater on ice.

The program is taught by all the professional coaching staff members of IceWorks.  In addition, JCP provides introductory parent education sessions led by experience club Board members, renowned sports psychologists, nutritionists, doctors, physios and more.  We hope to see you all at this high quality and affordable program.

For more information email Lisa Shaw, Figure Skating Director

Or Alex Zahradnicek, JCP Program Director or Mojca Kopac-Tiernan, Assistant Director, at


2024-2025 Fall/Winter Ice Package Options





Guest Coaches must see the Director before taking the ice.

Punch Cards: 10 session – $180.00 | 30 session – $480.00
Walk-ons: $19.00

To Complete Registration:

Please download and complete the registration form and return it to the IceWorks front desk. Most skaters will benefit by consulting with Lisa Shaw regarding appropriate program selections. Please contact Lisa at: 610-497-2200 x117

Skaters Participating in the plans after the program start date must to speak with Lisa Shaw for pricing.

Payment Terms
If not paying in full, packages may be paid in 10 equal installments. All Participants must create  a DAYSMART account on  A $10.00/day late fee will be charged for all declined payments.  Please be sure to provide current credit card information.

  • 6% off if paid in full by August 31st cannot be combined with any other discount
  • 10% off second family member which cannot be combined with any other discount

Withdrawal from Ice Package
Signing of this contract authorizes IceWorks to charge the installment amount on the date indicated. NO REFUNDS will be issued once the contract is signed.

JCP Home Workout Demonstrations